●   Community councils/neighborhood initiatives and initiatives for relief
●   Day care centers/afternoon school programs and activities
●   Sports and recreational activities/facilities;

R4CR finances projects supporting:
community initiatives, economic recovery, governance.

Resources 4 Community Resilience (R4CR), a programme implemented by VNG International and funded by the World Bank Trust Fund for St Maarten, was created to provide assistance to the island after the devastating hurricane Irma in 2017.

The project aims at strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations on St Maarten in their reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts after the hurricane. Under R4CR, civil society organizations will be invited to submit proposals for programmes benefitting local communities. In addition, they will receive support in managing and monitoring their programmes and will be offered a platform for exchange and cooperation with other organizations.

R4CR will finance grants to enable civil society organizations (CSOs) to implement community reconstruction and resilience sub-projects.

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