A support program for successful project applicants will be developed and organized based on the approved project applications. Board and staff of successful applicants, involved in project implementation, will be invited to participate in several mandatory sessions with the aim to ensure successful projects and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs). These activities and training sessions will be organized by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU, also called the R4CR team).
The first session is the so-called Pre-Disbursement Training. This session will precede the start of the approved projectsand focus on all aspects of the grant scheme that are important to know before starting project activities and before a first budget transfer is made. Topics covered by the Pre-Disbursement Training include grant management, financial management, procurement, social inclusion and vulnerability, environmental and social risks and impacts, stakeholder engagement and communication, reporting requirements and monitoring and evaluation responsibilities. Participants will also receive a copy of e background document for the Pre-DisbursementTraining and the guideline for all successful applicants during projectimplementation. All subjects discussed during the Pre-Disbursement Training aredescribed extensively in the Operations Manual – so that you can always look upinformation during the implementation of your project.
Secondly, additional training and support will also be organized through Learning Benchmark Training sessions, which will be organized on an annual basis. Board/staff involved in your project are invited to provide and share experiences, achievements, bottlenecks, and lessons learned, with fellow organizations to ensure that expertise will be widely disseminated throughout civil society. The primary goal of the Learning Benchmark Training is for all to excel and learn from each other.
Thirdly, in order to strengthen exchange between CSOs and improve accessibility of information and good practices, lessons learned from the approved projects will be shared. Dissemination of this information will be organized through the following channels:
· Documentation of best practices: stocktaking of good practices by taking pictures and the production of videos and/or documentaries are strongly recommended to be made. They serve as solid marketing and public relations instruments, which can be widely spread amongst stakeholders;
· Organization of a high-level conference: upon completion of the project, stakeholders will be invited to share their best practices and results achieved during a final conference. Presentations will be given to a wider audience to ensure dissemination of best practices beyond the directly involved parties.
Last but not least, R4CR offers a helpdesk for questions and support. Whenever you have a question on the implementation of your project and the rules and procedures to be followed you can always touch base with our Project Implementation Unit.